miercuri, 21 iunie 2017

Funny guns recoil - gif pictures

The man which put that powerful gun in her hands, wanted fun but at the same time the things can get out of control. "Luckily she wasn't hurt"! The guns are not toys. Really funny guns recoil? To associate the word funny with the word guns is wrong. I do not understand what does it mean this maximum interest for guns at americans. American cult for guns it's a big stupid thing. The weapons should be worn only by men from police and army. The access to arms should be restricted all over the world. The recoil is strong enough to cause serious injuries, if a powerful weapon is used by a frail person. Is truly cruel and wrong to have a novice shooter fire an extremely powerful punishing firearm. Perhaps many people do not know or forget that weapons are dangerous. Funny and dangerous guns recoil is rightly said.

Guns recoil - gif pictures

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