miercuri, 14 iunie 2017

Carly Gordon at fishing

The beautiful Carly Gordon is reporter at WSMV (television station from Nashville, Tennessee, United States) was the protagonist of a funny movie. Standing in a small motor boat, wearing a mini dress, Ms Carley Gordon made a elementary mistake. The fish is held in hands in a certain way but Ms Gordon she did not know this thing. The beautiful Carley Gordon, wearing a mini dress at fishing, acted like such a girl. In boat you do not have to be sexy. Sexy for who? For fish? If you're sexy in boat, while holding fish in your hand, the naughty fish jumps on you. Ha, ha, ha, is a so funny situation. How to be afraid of a fish almost dead? "Oh my God, I almost jumped out of the boat", too funny. The Asian carp is an dangerous fish, that fisherman cleverly planned that. "She is freakin hot!  What is her name?", Daniel Linares - you tube user. Sure you want her to fall over you. Below you have one of the funniest movies from you tube.

Carly Gordon at fishing (you tube video)

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