joi, 8 iunie 2017

Funny situations at the shooting range

Funny guy at the shooting range, funny shooting range. Such a funny situation, after the weapon recoil the pants fall, is too funny and incredible, even strange. How is that possible? A very rare situation. A fat guy remains without pants, after shooting with the gun. A strong recoil generates funny situations.

The pants down after weapon recoil (gif picture) 

In the second case we have another funny situation. After the weapon recoil, a black woman remains without gun. The weapon simply disappear from "landscape". She does not accept the reality, that the rifle disappear after recoil. She remains very surprised, she can not believe that this has happened.

The rifle disappear after recoil (gif picture)

Two very funny situations at the shooting range but the firearms are not toys. When they are handled you need to be careful.

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