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Se afișează postările cu eticheta accidents. Afișați toate postările

joi, 24 august 2017

Motorcycle crash caught on camera (gif pictures)

Motorcycle is a vehicle safe? Motorcycle does not provide safety. Most accidents involve motorcyclists. Motorcyclists remain the most vulnerable road users, accounting for 21% of all road deaths in Great Britain in 2015. I found the best gif pictures with motorcycle accident. Insane motorcycle crash caught on camera. Worst motorcycle crashes fatal accidents caught on camera but and lighter motorcycle accidents. Motorcycle fail GIF.

Motorcycle crash caught on camera - gif pictures

marți, 22 august 2017

Wheel accidents

When tires attack! The accidents with wheels are not funny. They are very dangerous. The explosion of a wheel can be fatal to a man. In most cases, people are hit by the wheels of the trucks or cars but many wheel accidents happen to car vulcanization.

You never know when it's coming ....

Roberto Carlos Fernandes, 50 years, was walking along the pavement with his beautiful wife in Ipatinga, Brazil, when the loose tyre came speeding towards him. CCTV footage of the the accident viewed from a local shop was published by journalist Gil Souza. The man was seriously injured and was transported to the hospital.

Gif pictures with wheel accidents

joi, 17 august 2017

Extreme situations

Incredible situations, accidents avoided at the last moment and extreme limit interventions. Extreme situations in which different people have faced. Good luck, divine intervention, remains to everyone's conclusion.

Extreme situation pictures (gif)

joi, 15 iunie 2017

Serious accidents (gif pictures)

Serious accidents is happen all the time. Trucks shattered by the train, serious work accidents, with serious consequences and including serious injuries, in the happiest case. Often, the serious accidents cause the death of many people. Maybe many truckers don't realize that a train usually wins in these crashes, in these accidents. Truck vs train: the winner is the train. "Train hits tank truck and explodes", logical. Serious accidents can happen at work. In one of the pictures below you can see how an unlucky electrician provokes a huge explosion.

Serious accidents (gif pictures)

sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2017

Unbelievable Truck Accidents

The strangest and unbelievable truck accidents. Every year, thousands of accidents happen on the roads and highways all around the world but truck gets stuck, hanging out of third story window is a very weird situation. How did that happen? How and why did these things happened? See the pictures below of weird accidents that is hard to imagine.

Fortunately the lucky driver managed to escape unharmed after screaming for help. "The driver was screaming like crazy. He was saying, "Help, help, help".

A lucky trucker survived a real-life cliffhanger when his overloaded lorry balanced above a 400-ft drop after its brakes failed.

A truck full of beer is suspended over Boston highway.

miercuri, 24 mai 2017

Accidents at work

Watching accidents at work has never been more educational. Many accidents at work are not funny because many people die from work accidents. You can be very careful, accidents happen now and again. And if accidents happen, they happen. Accidents happen all the time. The home is not an exception and electrical accidents can happen there too. But most accidents happen at work. All employers must keep an accident book. How to avoid Workplace accidents? Through prevention. Accidents can happen at any time at work and the gif pictures below prove this.

Accidents at work - gif pictures