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Se afișează postările cu eticheta truck. Afișați toate postările

sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2017

Unbelievable Truck Accidents

The strangest and unbelievable truck accidents. Every year, thousands of accidents happen on the roads and highways all around the world but truck gets stuck, hanging out of third story window is a very weird situation. How did that happen? How and why did these things happened? See the pictures below of weird accidents that is hard to imagine.

Fortunately the lucky driver managed to escape unharmed after screaming for help. "The driver was screaming like crazy. He was saying, "Help, help, help".

A lucky trucker survived a real-life cliffhanger when his overloaded lorry balanced above a 400-ft drop after its brakes failed.

A truck full of beer is suspended over Boston highway.

joi, 1 iunie 2017

Weird truck accident in China

In China happens most strange accident? Pictures with another spectacular and weird accident from China. Driving a huge automobile is no easy task. Unbelievable truck accident! Truck drivers need space but and vertical? The truck accidents are not funny. They can cause great damage. A truck "ascended to heaven", has remained suspended after what he was fixed on vertical position by an "skilled driver" (accidental of course). This is what happens when you watch dirty movies while driving. As we can observe, the truck cab was completely crushed, 'good job".

Weird accident in China - pictures

duminică, 28 mai 2017

Incredible truck accident

A truck driver in Northwest China's Qinghai province may say that he was born the second time, after escaping from an incredible accident. The driver was plucked to safety by rescuers. The truck remained suspended of an bridge, into a incredible position, at two hundred foot high. An accident like this very rarely you can see. A incredible situation, sensational, extraordinary, a real miracle.

Incredible truck accident - pictures

vineri, 19 mai 2017

Truck accident 1

A serious truck accident, after impact with another truck, the driver is thrown through windshield. It can be seen thereafter that the driver escape unscathed. Another luckiest man in life.

Truck accident - (gif picture)

sâmbătă, 13 mai 2017

Truck destroys a checkpoint

Unusual accident, an truck scraps a checkpoint. The driver loses control of the truck, the vehicle is moving chaotically and strikes first more cars, after which destroys the control point. The first car that was hit had the biggest damage, she literally disappears under the truck.

Truck destroys a checkpoint (gif picture)

miercuri, 10 mai 2017

Three smart workers (gif picture)

Three "smart" workers manage to break a cement tube. They wanted to take this whole tube off, without breaking it, out of a truck but the result was quite different. They thought that two small tires, cushions the fall of the tube from the truck. It was not like that. The tube was broken into three pieces. At the end the astonishment encompasses one of the workers.

Three smart workers - gif picture

marți, 9 mai 2017

Man almost hit by truck

Man almost hit by an huge truck into a gas station. Only by a miracle the man escaped. This man can be considered one of the luckiest people. The truck at the entrance to the gas station, is hit by another car (the car that has the recorder on board) and after the collision is colliding with another smaller truck, at few centimeters of man. "Final destination" with happy ending.

luni, 8 mai 2017

Truck out of control

A huge truck is out of control, almost hits a man and plunges into a small river. A spectacular accident, which rarely happens. Apparently, no one was hurt.